How To Sell Anything

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias.


John Doe
Professor Of Economics


19 grudnia 2015 - 09:30


19 grudnia 2015 - 12:00


Bentley Campus, Perth, WA   View map

But I must expla­in to you how all this mista­ken idea of deno­un­cing ple­asu­re and pra­ising pain was born and I will give you a com­ple­te acco­unt of the sys­tem, and expo­und the actu­al teachings of the gre­at explo­rer of the truth, the master-buil­der of human hap­pi­ness. No one rejects, disli­kes, or avo­ids ple­asu­re itself, becau­se it is ple­asu­re, but becau­se tho­se who do not know how to pur­sue ple­asu­re ratio­nal­ly enco­un­ter con­se­qu­en­ces that are extre­me­ly pain­ful.

Nor aga­in is the­re any­one who loves or pur­su­es or desi­res to obta­in pain of itself, becau­se it is pain, but becau­se occa­sio­nal­ly cir­cum­stan­ces occur in which toil and pain can pro­cu­re him some gre­at ple­asu­re. To take a tri­vial exam­ple, which of us ever under­ta­kes labo­rio­us phy­si­cal exer­ci­se, except to obta­in some advan­ta­ge from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who cho­oses to enjoy a ple­asu­re that has no annoy­ing con­se­qu­en­ces, or one who avo­ids a pain that pro­du­ces no resul­tant ple­asu­re?

On the other hand, we deno­un­ce with righ­te­ous indi­gna­tion and disli­ke men who are so begu­iled and demo­ra­li­zed by the charms of ple­asu­re of the moment, so blin­ded by desi­re, that they can­not fore­see the pain and tro­uble that are bound to ensue. Nor aga­in is the­re any­one who loves or pur­su­es or desi­res to obta­in pain of itself, becau­se it is pain, but becau­se occa­sio­nal­ly cir­cum­stan­ces occur in which toil and pain can pro­cu­re him some gre­at ple­asu­re.





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